on below theme for some of the reports
2002-2007: Importance of "Terms of Trade" in Wealth Creation
2003-2008: India -- The Next Trillion Dollar Opportunity
2004-2009: The Great, the Good and the Gruesome
2005-2010: Winner Categories + Category Winners
2010-2015: Mid-to-Mega
2011-2016: Focused Investing: Power of Allocation
2012-2017: CAP & GAP – Power of longevity in Wealth Creation
2013-2018: Valuation Insights – What works, what doesn't
2014-2019: Management Integrity: Understanding sharp practices
2015-2020: The QGLP Checklist: 25 questions, 25 frameworks
2016-2021: Atoms to Bits – Wealth Creation in the digital era
2017-2022: Consistents & Volatiles
2019-2024: Bruised Blue chips - Hunting for Turnarounds
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